A Message from the Office

Dear Parents of Le Roi Daniels,

First of all, I would like to thank each of you who were able to come and drive by for the reverse parade!  It was fantastic to see so many wonderful faces and see how much the students have grown in these past months!!
Secondly, your child's report card should now be accessible online in your Power School account. Please refer to last week's update for instructions on how to find your child's report cards.
Please remember to complete the following tasks over the next few weeks:
- Noon Supervision - if your child is eating lunch at school, you must register for this between August 1-31 on your Power School account
- please have your uniforms ordered and ready from McCarthy  www.mccarthyuniforms.ca  for the first day of school
Finally, please read in detail the immediate request for Transportation registration as it has bus stops and ridership has changed due to Covid - you MUST register to receive the email letting you know where your child will get on/off the bus.  It will NOT be posted on any website.  PLEASE REGISTER!!!
  1. Transportation Pre-Reg. Deadline Now June 30  - if you don’t register; you will not have a stop designated to you!!
As we prepare for re-entry in September and make plans that include health guidelines and physical distancing requirements for busing, it is critical that families pre-register for transportation service as soon as possible.
The transportation pre-registration deadline has been extended to June 30, 2020.

Transportation pre-registration deadline extended

Due to the impact of COVID-19 on our system and families, the transportation pre-registration deadline has been extended to June 30, 2020. This year, routes will not be publicly posted on our website as adhering to COVID-19 guidelines means we will have to assign each student to a bus and a bus stop.
Reasons to pre-register:
• If families do not pre-register for transportation service prior to the end of June, their address will not be included as bus routes are planned meaning no transportation will be available. Only registered students will receive stop information for their primary address.  It may take several weeks to add a student to a route in the fall, and congregated stop locations are only reviewed once per year. As a result, your stop location may be much further away from your home, as your address was not included in the route planning.
• The use of a ZPass ridership card is mandatory to assist in contact tracing, and only registered riders are provided a ZPass ridership card.  Families may request a replacement card through their PowerSchool Parent Account.  (If you child still has their bus pass from last year, please keep it and attach it to their backpack for the first day of school).  If you have lost your card, please order a new one by June 30 to request a new one!.  If you have never used school bus services, please note that the cards will delivered to the school in the Fall.
• There is no requirement to pay at the time of registration, and there is no financial penalty if you register for bus service and cancel before the cancellation deadline of September 30, 2020.
Thank you so much for completing these tasks in a timely manner to set us up for success in the Fall.
I will provide one more update on June 30 (the last official day of school) and then you will not hear from me again until after the August 1 announcements from the Minister of Education.
Andrea Taylor - Principal

Andrea Taylor

Andrea Taylor - Principal
Le Roi Daniels School –TLC
403-777-6420 (ph)
403-777-6421 (fax)

Word Web

                                                 Here it is.

                                                  The Word Web 

Think Clipart Gif

Click on the Link below to see the Word Web created by all of the grade 3 students

                                  Word Web Link

Last Google Meet

Farewell Stock Illustrations – 2,532 Farewell Stock Illustrations ....       

Wow, what a crazy year! Our last Google Meet of this year will be on Monday. For this week I would like you to think about your most memorable moment from this year and share it with the class. Think all the way back to the beginning of the year. I would like the memory to be something that happened before COVID. A memory from the times we were together as a class. I look forward to hearing eveyone's memories. See you on Monday!

Some Important Info!

There have been some changes to the organization of next week so here is an update. I'm looking forward to seeing al of  you at the parade.  😀

Thursday (date change due to weather conditions) TUESDAY June 23, 2020 is an important day for us as staff to celebrate and say good bye to you as families and students.  Many community schools have had the opportunity to drive through their communities to wave and smile at their students and families.   As we have multiple communities that attend our school we are unable to come to you but we are inviting you to come see us in a REVERSE CAR PARADE!!!

​Please plan to drive by the school on TUESDAY JUNE 23 according to the following schedule :

10:30 - 10:50 - students with last name beginning with A-G
10:50 - 11:10 - students with last name beginning with H-P
11:10 - 11:30 - students with last name beginning with Q -Z

Staff will be outside along the route to wave and cheer a farewell to you as you get ready for an amazing summer break and say goodbye to the unprecedented 2019-2020 school year! This parade is happening rain or shine, the Le Roi Daniels staff is very excited to see each of you and say good bye in person ðŸ™‚

  • Please follow the attached map route to alleviate traffic congestion on Fairmont drive
  • All students MUST remain in the vehicles
  • The playground is closed during this time
  • This school is closed during this time
  • Please leave LOTS of room between vehicles while driving as we want everyone to be safe during the car parade.

Map Route


Friday June 5th

dog face GIF by Demic

Thank you everyone for continuing to put a great effort into your work. It is so important to continue to practice our learning even though it feels very different. So, I thank you again.

Remember Monday June 8th we are sharing a stuffie and wearing our pajamas. So just roll out of bed and turn on your computer. Probably we will see some crazy hair as well.

A couple of new things for you to send in for a farewell project that we will see at some point.

1. Please send in a picture of you where you have been completing your AT Home learning. Basically a picture of your work space, (with you in the picture of course).

2. Also, send in two words, only two words, that best describe your feelings about our year. Think back and choose words that reflect your thoughts about the 2019-2020 school year.

Thank you, take care.

Mr. McVea