Week of March 22
Week of March 15
Dear Parents,
Please take a moment to look at the updates for this last week before Spring Break!
1) Reminder that this is the last week to participate in our Virtual Book Fair. There are many wonderful books for your child to enjoy and develop their love of reading. Please see the attached photos for some samples and click on the link to have books sent directly to your house. https://virtualbookfairs.scholastic.ca/pages/5157340
2) As we are getting ready for Spring Break , we are asking students to please return ALL library and class books to the school before Friday March 26.
3) As you are aware, our students are working together as a team to try and earn a loop on our rainbow wall for meeting uniform expectations. Unfortunately we still have MANY classes who have 1 or 2 students who are not wearing the appropriate uniform items. Your child should be bringing home a blue slip today to let you know if they met uniform requirement or if there was something to be fixed. Please help your children remember all the important pieces of their uniform as they are working together to earn ICE CREAM for their class. The 2 classes with the most rainbow loops will receive ice cream at the end of May. See below for the uniform expectations as a reminder
Formal Uniform – must be worn every Monday | Informal Uniform- may be worn on all non-formal days at school. |
Please note: Sweat pants, leggings, cargo pants, etc. are not acceptable. Uniforms must be kept clean and in good order (no patches, rips or tears). Golf shirts do NOT meet dress shirt standards.
4) If your child has experienced a "bathroom accident" and we have provided extra clothes for your child to wear home, we are asking you to please wash and return those items as we currently have nothing here at the school to support other students. If your child has outgrown some of their uniform pieces and you would like to wash and donate them to the school, that would be appreciated as well. Thank you so much
5) HOLI celebration on Friday March 26. Holi is a celebration which welcomes Spring and the "new life" that happens during this time of the year. Although we know that not everyone specifically celebrates Holi, we are all excited to welcome Spring and the beauty that comes with it in nature. Therefore the entire school is encourage with wear bright, colorful and spring clothing on Friday March 26 as a casual day to welcome Spring, celebrate Holi and get ready for our break.
6) All parents should have received an email from CBE yesterday regarding parent/student intentions for learning next year. It is very important for all our families, especially for those in HUB to complete the survey regarding the intentions for next year. This first survey is only your intention and must be complete by March 25. Please take a moment to complete this survey as the school and the system needs to begin to plan for next year.
Survey link - copy and paste if needed https://cbe.ab.ca/support/Pages/cbe-learn-survey-mycbe-powerschool.aspx
7) Finally, as part of our planning for next year and working through our waitlist, if you are not planning on returning to Le Roi Daniels next year - please email the school before the end of April to let us know of your decision. All Grade 3 students will automatically be going to Fairview unless you let us know otherwise.
Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to a wonderful week before Spring Break.
Andrea Taylor - Principal @ Le Roi Daniels School
Week of March 8
Dear Parents,
We hope that you all had wonderful conversations with your child's teacher through conferences. We were sad that we could not have you here in the building to see the amazing things your children are doing but were happy to connect with you virtually.
Couple of reminders for you this week:
1) Please remember to click onto our virtual BOOK FAIR. There are many wonderful books for your child to enjoy and develop their love of reading. Please see the attached photos for some samples and click on the link to have books sent directly to your house. https://virtualbookfairs.scholastic.ca/pages/5157340
2) Wednesday is St. Patrick's Day which means students are invited to wear GREEN as part of their CASUAL day as we celebrate and search for leprechauns!!
3) Wednesday is School Council which is held virtually at 6:30pm. If you would like to be part of this meeting, please email Mrs. Taylor at adtaylor@cbe.ab.ca by noon on Tuesday and the meeting link will be sent to you for Wednesday's meeting. If you have been part of the meetings in the past, you do not need to email as the meeting link will automatically be sent you to on Tuesday. Looking forward to meeting with you!
Week of March 1
Hello everyone,
We just have a couple of reminders for you this week and we hope you are able to get out and enjoy the BEAUTIFUL weather we are going to have this weekend!
1) Our next Fun Lunch is on Thursday March 11 (this is a full day for student even though there are conferences that evening). Please be sure to order by Saturday March 6 (tomorrow) if you are interested. NOTE: the bacon has been removed from the salad options to ensure we are meeting all dietary restrictions
2) Conferences are coming March 11 &12. Please book your ONLINE conference through PowerSchool beginning on March 6 (tomorrow). Although Kindergarten has conferences starting at 1pm on March 11, students will still be at school for the full day. There is no school on March 12 for any students to accommodate conferences.
3) We are excited to shared a wonderful opportunity for you as parents to purchase new reading material for your child through our Scholastic ONLINE book fair. The Book Fair will take place March 11-26 and all purchases will be delivered to your home. All fundraising proceeds go towards the school getting new books for the Learning Commons. Please visit the following link for your orders.