Sunday May 29

We had an excellent time on our bridge walk and I would like to thank the parent volunteers for coming out to support our learning. Giving students these real life experiences is so instrumental to their understanding of the ideas we discuss in class.

Here is the homework for this week.

Sunday May 23

Our Bridge Walk is in 2 days.


Some highlights from this week include the testing of the structure of the arch. We completed an experiment to see how much weight arches of different sizes could hold.

In social studies we are investigating how some global organizations help people around the world. The students are creating posters including their research that they will present to the class. Some of the groups being studied are, The World Wildlife Fund, Team Seas, Team Trees and The Red Cross.

In Math students are working to develop their understanding of measurement concepts that include using mm. cm. and m. to compare different objects. We have also discussed the kilometre and how it is used for larger distances.

In LA, students are finishing their climbing stories through revisions and editing for clarity and punctuation.

Here is this week's homework.

 Sunday May 15

We are looking forward to our upcoming field trips on May 17th and May 25th. A reminder to wear our formal uniforms, pack comfortable shoes and check the weather on those days. Thank you to all the volunteers who have allowed us to go on these special events. We couldn't do it without you!

I am still looking for  a few baby pictures for our upcoming assembly. Please send those in if you have not done so already. Thank you, and thank you to those who have already sent them in.

Here is this weeks' homework.

 Sunday May 8

Important Info

Grade 3 students will be hosting a Character Education Assembly towards the end of May. Our theme for the assembly is based around Global Citizenship and making a positive difference in the local and global community.  As part of the assembly the Grade 3 teachers would like to make a slideshow featuring our Grade 3 students as babies.  This will be a sweet way to say farewell to our Grade 3's and showcase how our world's future is in the hands of these babies:) We are asking parents to please email a baby photo to their classroom teacher by May 13th so that we can compile and make the slideshow in time for the assembly.

We are planning to go on two field trips this month. The first is on  May 17th to the Zoo. We are waiting on whether we have bussing for this trip so it is not fully confirmed yet. The second is on May 25th , which will be our bridge walk. This trip has been confirmed. We are still needing volunteers for both trips and may not be able to go if we don't meet the supervision requirements.

Here is this week's homework.

Sunday May 1 

Field Trips

There are two upcoming field trips scheduled in May. The first field trip is Tuesday, May 17th to the Calgary Zoo. We then will go for a bridge walk in downtown Calgary on May 25th.   Parent volunteers are needed in order to make these trips happen. We need to have 5 parent volunteers for each day and without help we will not be able to go. Please,  email me at to let me know you can help.Thank you for you support.

Here is this week's homework.